Supporting Ukraine

Providing Medical Aid, Educational Services, Family and Community Support to those displaced by war in Ukraine.

In Ukraine since 2015.

100% of all donations go directly to those in need.


Our Mission

Medical & Dental Aid

Educational Services

The focus of our work is supporting Internally Displaced People (IDPs), people that have been forced from their homes and cities but do not have refugee status. Through programs like our "KEEPING THE KID'S LEARNING", an effort we began in 2014, our teams offer daily educational and social support, in addition to basic medical and dental care, teacher support, and safe places to stay warm for children and families. In the past two years, we have : delivered Food, Clothes, Hygiene Products, Baby Formula, Medical Supplies, Pharmacy Supplies, Wound Care Supplies, Medical Equipment, Radios, Solar Generators, Water Filtration Kits, Power Banks. We have also performed Medical Evacuations, and relocations to safety of children and the elderly.

In addition to the "Keeping The Kids Learning" program with have installed small micro-networks of HAM Radio equipment in rural areas for emergency, non-military use. These networks use solar power generators and have proven valuable for multiple medical aid groups. Many humanitarian NGO's are working in Ukraine and sharing transport and logistics planning helps everyone.

We also established a program of volunteers that help repair homes damaged in the conflict. Covering broken windows, doors, and roofs with plastics and repairing wood stove pipe and basic electric. Keeping equipment such as generators operational is another important aspect to our work. Repairing existing equipment is just as important as delivering new units -so we are constantly scavenging for parts and supplies as well as training locals on how to repair basic home construction and equipment.

Community Services
Children's Safety & Welfare

Keeping The Kid’s Safe is a core effort of Care4Ukraine.Org. Aside from drones and missiles there are numerous threats always nearby. Human trafficking has been endemic throughout Eastern Europe for years and many “pop-up” cafes and clubs are nothing more than traps for the teenage girls, and boys. Providing a safe social environment helps keep the young adults out of danger - and often leads to opportunities to confront these threats.

"Care4Ukraine has greatly helped our children, their dedication and support are invaluable" - Kharkiv


"I am grateful for the assistance provided by Care4Ukraine. The extra food and baby formula is a true gift." - Kramatorsk

"The work of Care4Ukraine.Org is commendable. They know this country, and how to help where it's needed the most." - MSF/Ukraine

Care4Ukraine.Org was founded by Joseph Nichols while he was living and working in Ukraine. Initially a children’s dental and educational program known as “Keeping the Kid’s Learning”, it developed into a broader program with wider scope of services to help address the needs of the millions of Internally Displaced People** fleeing the war that began in eastern Ukraine in 2022.

Joseph continues his hands-on operation of the Aid Program while coordinating with many other aid groups and Medical NGO’s in Ukraine. His background is in Medical Facilities Engineering, Clinical Systems, Logistics, and Industrial Solar Energy Systems.

** Internally displaced people, referred to as IDPs, have been forced to flee their homes by conflict, violence, persecution or disasters, however, they remain within the borders of their own country. IDPs are among the most vulnerable people in the world, and many are trapped in protracted displacement for years or even decades. Uprooted from their homes and livelihoods, they often face dangerous conditions and continue to face risks even after fleeing for safety. National governments have the primary responsibility to protect and assist their displaced citizens and residents, but they may be unable or unwilling to do so.

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